How to Apply static loads before impact loads in Radioss
Dear All,
If I need to apply the static load to the structure before impact load. (Say for example a bridge may have normal gravity and traffic loading at impact)
1. The static load is slowly applied, ramping up over a long time before the impact. This can take more computation time.
2. If I need to uses implicit results from static loading of a common mesh into the explicit impact. How can I do so?
Hi Karthic,
1. You can simulate a static loading more computationaly efficient by time scaling, which means applying the load more quickly than in the quasi-static experiment in order to reduce the simulation time. However, the kinetic energy should be low (5-10%) compared to the internal energy for most of simulation, to minimize the inertial effects. You can check the energy fraction in Hypergraph by plotting both energies and using Vehicle safety tools (File-Load-Preference File) to divide curves (Math-Two Curves-Divide w/Zero)
2. You can use State files to transfer the state of elements (stress, strain, etc.) between simulations. More information on State files