Constant load increment with LGDISP

I am performing a large displacement nonlinear quasi-static analysis of a steel coupon under cyclic loading. I am applying displacement cycles using TLOAD1 and DLOAD, so that I can apply the entire loading protocol in a single subcase (cyclicing between 0.75 mm and 0). I would like to control the loading increment so that I have a smooth force-deformation hysteresis curve, but no matter what I try, the loading increment seems to increase beyond what I specified with NINC in NLPARM. For example, I have specified NINC=1000 (so that the increment should be 0.001), but in total my entire analysis has only about 150 increments. I have EXPERTNL turned off, and if I also turn off LGDISP, everything works fine, but once I turn LGDISP on, the increment seems to be automatically determined. Please advise! See attached for my model.
Thank you,
Thank you for sharing the file, I will check and update my findings with you soon.
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Hi @jbinder89
Is there a reason for using large displacement for this problem?
Since the strains are small, you can use small displacement formulation, instead.