Modeling probe feed in FEKO

Abhishek K M
Abhishek K M Altair Community Member
edited October 2021 in Community Q&A

I am trying to design a U slot patch using CMA and I am following a research paper(attached below). I am having difficulty in understanding how to model a probe the way it has been done in this paper and what type of excitation can be given to it.


Any help is appreciated !!



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021

    The paper mentions a cuboid with dimensions 2.7x2.7 mm is used as the probe. For this you can use the edge port that is placed at the bottom of this cuboid. All the positive faces are the faces of the cuboid that touch the ground plane, and the negative face would be the infinite ground plane. On the edge port then you will place a Voltagesource.


    You can also model a finite ground if required by removing the infinite PEC plane and drawing another rectangle. Then the negative face would be that of the bottom rectangle.

    Attached a concept cfx model. Note, I have not included the U slot: it could be easily made from drawing a polygon and using the boolean Subtract operator. It may be a good idea to set local finer meshing on the edges of the U-slot.