Back up
I do a daily back up of my mac to an external drive (Timemachine)...and then I leave my office with the disk and returns next day. If my mac would get stolen in the night, I would go to the lokal mac dealer and by a new mac and do a complete restore of my disk.
But since Evolve is copyprotected in the way it is, I think it might not work on the new'nt that true!?
I suspect I would need to go through the hole registrationprocess'nt that true?
It could easyly take more than a couple of days, before I wold get up and running.
My question is of cause, if there is a way in wich I could protect my self better against 'downtime' in Evolve?
Hopefully you will never have to experience this. If this does happen, yes, our licensing is tied to your hard-drive so you would need to re-register for a new license file. In order to minimize any downtime we could send you a quick temporary license to use until your permanent license is processed.