Hello !!
How can i apply correction manually for a element who have dependency because when i apply a automatic correction HM unrealized all the connectors . any idea plz
See http://forum.altairhyperworks.com/index.php?/topic/13885-a-dependent-dof-defined-more-than-once-in-rigid-element-error/?hl=dependency#entry20070
Go to rigids > update sub-panel > check connectivity option > select the element whose double dependency you wish to remove, click on update > unselect the double dependent nodes and click on update.
i don't have dependency between rigid element but between seam weld
Hi, I am trying to make my double dependent rigids, non-double dependent, but when I select my double dependent node (by left mouse button clicking it I presume) and then click update, it just automatically unselects it and nothing happens. I'm struck dumb with this problem and haven't been able to solve it for the past 3 days. Any suggestions would be more than welcome!
- enter 1D>rigid>update
- select 'connectivity'
- pick on an element, its dependent nodes will be white
- looking for white nodes that is common between 2 or more rigid elements
- deselect those nodes by right click on it
- then press update. the element will be update
if you press update right after picking on an element, it updates nothing