Error Code 6 - No License File

Hi Guys,
I downloaded Hyperworks 2018 and installed it.
Then I opened the 'Licensing Utility' and entered the generated H-HWU Token.
It says my machine is authorized now.
But when I want to open HyperMesh, this error occurs always:
In this Location there is no license file - yes.
I have no License File.
I use it for Formula Student and I only have the 'Altair connect'-Account and these H-HWU Tokens but I can't find any license file?
What does 'Limit is exceeded...' mean? There are never ever more then 2.000 people using this license in our team?!
I logged in to Altair connect, downloaded Hyperworks above 'Downloads' - 'Hyperworks'.
I can not choose.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Then I install it, chosse License Type 'Local'.
After Installation I generate the HWU Token, enter it in the Licensing utility and try to start Hyperworks.
Then the error appears and in this folder there is no license file, I dont know where to get the license file?0