How much does the rotor position dependency increase the simulation time

Jaeger Altair Community Member
edited September 2024 in Community Q&A

Dear Altair Team,

I simulated an externally excited synchronous machine in FluxMotor. The simulation time without rotor position dependency was around 6h. To get a more accurate result I switched on the rotor position dependency (1 el. period, No. comp.: 50) and it is running now for 3 days straight. Is this an unusual increase on simulation time? can I expect to get results in the next hours?

Thank you in advance.


  • Fabrice.Marion
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024


    I invite you to refer to the online user help guide in the section: "Document to read" (Link)
    where you can upload the following document MotorFactory_2024_test_BestPractices in which valuable information deal with the questions you raised.
    These explanations are also available in the section Motor Factory - Test / Introduction / Best pratices displayed in the online user help guide (Link)

    Hoping this will help
    Best regards