Simulation results interpretation

Hi all,
For a multi stage cylindrical deep drawing simulation I used a quarter of whole model to speed up the process. Attached is the final frame of 6th stage. In this photo I have used symmetry to show the complete model. As you see just on symmetry planes (xz and yz) there are some inconsistencies for thickness which are apparently different from other areas. As this is an axisymmetric model and I have chosen DDQ as material, is this computational error or what? In DDQ properties r0=r45=r90=1.5 so this can not be related to anisotropy and rolling direction.
I have used HyperForm's Multistage and as I have modeled a quarter of whole system in positive X and Y, I defined Blank symmetry : -X -Y. It has fixed DOFs 156 for nodes on YZ plane and DOFs 246 for nodes on XZ plane which is correct.
Look to hear your opinions.
Thanks in advance.