Error with Summary

I have modeled a bus and i am interested to see the cg of the bus but when i execute the process the summary page displays only first 4 components and doesn't display rest 90 components neither total mass nor C.G I have tried with other templates and none of them show more than 4 components where as model has 96 components.
I have tried restarting my workstation after deleting temp and command and hmsettings file as well,on another workstations but the problem exists with this file.
But unable to find any reason behind it.
Hi Harshit,
What is the version of HW (include updates) are you using?
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problem resolved just going through the model i realized it was the astrix mark before comp. name that was creating problem. As soon as i removed it the issue was resolved.
*noted for further.
Thanks for prompt reply .
i am using HW 13 and preference radioss block 130
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Thanks for the update Harshit,
Just FYI, try not to have any asrtix or cap marks before the component name. If there are any such, the components will not be written to the solver file.
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Thanks. will keep this in mind for future.