Gear tutorial

i am trying to simulate gears in Radioss.
and found a tutorial of similar case.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
But when i import this model, 16 shell node elements are not present.( the one in red and blue)
Also the contact interface referred in model are made from unsupported cards in hypermesh.
How to create 16 shell elements in Radioss and is there any other way to define such contact.?
can we use type 7 or type 19 or type 24 for gear contact?
Hi harshitpuri
Have you checked this example file from Radioss help? In this example, type 16 & 17 interfaces are used.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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I'm referring to same example.
once i import this model in hm 13.0 The contacts are defined in cards via unsupported cards and Shell node 16 elements are not visible in hYPERMESH. aLTHOUGH THEY CAN BE SEEN IN HYPERCRASH.
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