EDEM hosted license stopped working
I was using a 2022.1 version of EDEM with a hosted license which was working fine until today. The workstation which had EDEM installed restarted over the weekend so I had to restart a running simulation. Upon restarting the simulation, a pop-up message appeared saying: "Unable to checkout EDEMSolver license, do you want to wait until a license is available?"
To try and solve this:
1) I generated a new authorization code on my Altair one account under "Authorized Machines" in the user profile. The code was copied and pasted into the "Managed Licensing" new authorization in the Altair License Utility. The same pop up appeared when restarting the simulation.
2) Installed the latest versions of EDEM (2022.3) and the license manager (15.2) and repeated the same steps in 1, but the same happened again.
It would be great if I could help in solving this.
Thank you in advance.
We recommend using the most recent method to authorize using your username and password directly. This will provide more user friendly error messages in case something goes wrong.
Accessing the Altair License from the Altair License Utility
Matthieu Pupat