Can't figure out how to try HypeWorks 2021 on linux (RHEL8.2)

pikigo Altair Community Member
edited March 2021 in Community Q&A


To know whether purchasing HyperWorks for my lab + students computer room is worth it, I'm trying to benefit from the 14-days trial.

The feature of interest for us should be Inspire© topology optimization / generative design.

So from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 virtual machine,

I install

$ cd ~/Downloads

$ sudo ./hwDesktopHelp2021_linux64.bin

$ su


(as in that doc )



# ./hwDesktop2021_linux64.bin

# exit

$ sudo ./altair_licensing_14.5.1.linux_x64.bin

During the licence manager install, I say NO (2) because I don't have yet (or know where is) my license file. Then the installer replies :

Information for obtaining a license file.
You will need a current license to run your Altair Products.  You indicated
you do not have one.  Using one of the HOSTID values in the file
/usr/local/altair/licensing14.5/hostid_info.txt please contact your Sales
Representative or Technical Support for a License.
Please select "OK" to continue or "Cancel" to cancel and exit installation
  ->1- OK

I pursue the installation, then try to launch HyperWorks :


(nothing outputed)

$ export ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=/usr/local/altair/licensing14.5/altair_lic.dat


$ /opt/HyperWorks2021/altair/scripts/hw

Finally the GUI opens BUT here are the licensing errors :

Altair License Manager: License error
Feature(s): GlobalZoneEU, HyperWorks, HWHyperView
Error Code: 9
Error Description:
Feature not found
Licence Path: /opt/HyperWorks2021/altair/hwdesktop/../security/altair_lic.dat
Altair Hosted HyperWorksUnits: License error
Feature: HyperView
Error Code: -40
Error Description:
[LicID 33261] AU Concept Engineer - (Err: -40) While checking out feature "HWHyperView": Requested feature was not found in licenses


What to do to get it working so that I could explore it please?



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    It's normal because you do not have valid licenses.

    If you would like to try Hyperworks, contact your local vendor. He will give you a trial license for some days. In general it's a Nodelock license, as file altair_lic.dat. So you don't need setup license server to try the software.


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2021

    Are you trying to open the Inspire GUI - or HyperWorks GUI?  You'll probably want the Inspire GUI for topology optimization and/or generative design.  Although now I recall Inspire is available only on Windows - and you mentioned a Linux install.  Maybe a Windows emulator on Linux would enable you to run Inspire.

    May I ask with which educational institution you are affiliated?

  • Adriano Koga_20259
    Adriano Koga_20259 New Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    A few things to note:

    - Inspire GUI is currently not available for Linux. Only the job submission launcher.

    - For HyperWorks in general you install the packege from the master installer "Simulation Products Installer-2021" keeping all other files in the same folder

    - from the server side, the license should be placed in the path defined in 'altair-serv-cfg' file under the licensing installation and make sure your altair license server service is up and running


    - if it is a server license, you (as a client machine) will point the license to ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH = 6200@server_IP_or_hostname