Rivet joint analysis

i am doing rivet joint analysis in radioss and here both sheet metals are steel only. but in result plate is simulating in wave form as shown in below picture.
How can i avoid this kind of simulation?
Thanks and Regards
What is the loading and boundary condition used?
Thickness of plates?
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Hi Narasimhamurthy,
Please elaborate more on the objective of the simulation and also the modelling parameters.
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each sheet metal thickness is 0.28 mm
100N tensile load applied at one end and other end is fixed.
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Hi Narasimhamurthy,
Is there any pretension applied in the bolt?.
Can you share the model files (_0000.rad and _0001.rad) through the secure file transfer link in the signature so that we will have a review and workaround on your model.
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Here no retention load. only tensile load.
please find attached model files.
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Hi Narasimhamurthy,
Can you rerun the analysis with the attached file and update.
The penetrations in the model were cleared. The model has a very low time step and so a time step is imposed in the engine file. All other modeling parameters remains the same.