Map contact forces form Radioss to Optistruct
to extract the contact forces from Radioss simulation and use them in Optistruct follow the procedure from the attached reference (page 32):
- Identify the time of contact force peaks by requesting /TH/INTER contact interface output block and postprocessing in Hypergraph.
- Define /ANIM/VECT/CONT output request and query the contact forces on nodes of interest at the time of contact force peaks in Hyperview. Export the data in csv file format.
- Import the contact forces in Optistruct by Analysis>forces>linear interploation>file
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Thank you,
Tried this method. extracted contact force from Hyperview as shown in below picture.
force created by using linear interpolation option. but handle showing different values and direction.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
will it make peak force to average force depend on number for nodes? how to change direction of force?
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Glad to help.
Extract the contact force vector (three components) instead of contact contour. Request contact vector output by eng/anim/vect flags CONT and PCONT.
The linear interpolation rules for input files have been changed (no comma allowed, separated by space or tab, only 3 coordinate components followed by vectors components):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
for example:
Node Coordinates Vector(Contact Forces)
6647.1 -713.206 123.638 1.136E+01 -2.499E+00 -1.107E+01
Interpolation works best when the source mesh is geometrically similar to the target mesh.