In Hypermesh, Why Does My FEM Model Open at a Large Scale?

Zach_21907 Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A

Hello, thank you for you help in advance.

In Hypermesh, my model repeatedly opens at a large scale factor, relative to the model size. The model scale, shown in the lower right-corner of the graphics window is typically 800 - 1000. The actual scale of the model is approximately 78. How can I figure out what caused this issue, and avoid it in the future?





  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    the scale is related to the zoom level in your screen. if you are too far from your model, you will see the scale with very large values. This works just like google maps scale when you zoom in/out.

    maybe you have some system or some temporary node in your model that is pushing HM to present this high scale value. can you double check?