What is different b/w R-Mesh, B-Mesh, AutoMesh in Hyperform

Hi all,
I am running some stamping simulation with Hyperform but I do not really understand what is different b/w R-Mesh, B-Mesh and Automesh functions? and Adaptivity level (Should be 2 or 3)?
I feel so weird when running some model using R-Mesh option (very 'bad' mesh quality) but it is still runable.
However, I try to create good mesh with 'AutoMesh' function but it is not converged.
Use R-mesh for meshing of tools. representing of the geometry ( curvature) will be easily done here. you have control options with respect to min and max element size and the fillet angle, chordal deviation. flat regions will have a coarser mesh and curved regions have a finer mesh with this option
use B-mesh for blanks. elements will be of uniform size.
R-mesh and B-mesh are fast options. if you need much more control over the meshing parameters, use Automesh.
Adaptivity level can be invoked for elements of the blank. nominal level can be kept @ 2.
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Thank you StuDes so much for your detail explanation!