How to run Acusolve on Linux commands?

Let's assume you've changed to the directory that contains the .inp file and MESH.DIR directory.
acuRun -pb demo -inp t1.inp -np 4
should do it. In general, acuRun -h will give you complete set of options. You can also review the 'acuRun' section of the Programs Reference Manual.
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Hi Acupro,
Thanks for your advice but I do the same as your instruction and face the below errors:
acuRun: Log is redirected to: demo.1.Log
acuRun: *** ERROR: error occurred executing acuPrep
acuRun: Fri Mar 29 23:12:09 20190 -
Please post either the Log file, or the actual error messages in the Log file. (Or is the above the entire contents of the Log file?) Have you contacted your local Altair support team?
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Hi acupro,
Now I already can run Acusolve on Linux cluster successfully. We can close this topic.
Few mistakes I learnt here are:
1) Firstly, I need to CD(change directory) to ...Altair/2019/Acusolve/Linux64/bin
2) I have to define '-pdir'. The input data must be:
a) *.inp file
b) Meshing folder 'HYPERMESH.DIR'
3) I have to update license.
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Right. You need to establish the AcuSolve environment. It looks like you're running bash. As explained in the HyperWorks Installagion Guide, you should include the following in your ~/.profile file
source $INSTALL_DIR/altair/acusolve/linux64/script/
$INSTALL_DIR is the chose installation directory. Then you can issue the acuRun command with options from your problem directory. (You can use which acuRun to make sure you've correctly established the environment.) You can also add that line to set the ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH environment variable to your ~/.profile file.
We typically use the local (in the problem directory) Acusim.cnf file to specify the problem name and other options.
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Hi AcuPro,
Now I am trying to submit Acusolve jobs via PBS command.
#PBS -N Optistruct_Test_1
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=24:mem=60GB$ALTAIR_HOME/ Acusolve/Linux64/bin/acuRun -inp '1.inp' -nt 14
But it does not generate any things.
I can do the same with Optistruct easily.
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You'll be better off using the acuSub command to submit through PBS. It will create the script for you and submit the job. See
acuSub -h
for usage and options. Again, you'll need to source the appropriate script first, in order to use acuSub.
In your script, it looks like you want to use 24 cores from a single compute node. (select=1:ncpus=24). You don't need to include anything about mem. Then in your acuRun command, you don't need quotes around the name of the .inp file (and I suggest you not start the name of the .inp file with a number), then you have -nt 14.
Let's say your input file is test_run1.inp instead. What about:
$ALTAIR_HOME/ Acusolve/Linux64/bin/acuRun -inp test_run1.inp -np 24 -nt _auto -do all -pbs_attach -pbs
Still - I suggest you try acuSub, and then look at the submit script it generates.
acuSub -pb test_run1 -np 24 -ppn 24 -sched pbspro -pbs_attach
again, assuming your inp file is test_run1.inp, you want to use 24 physical cores on a single compute node, and you're using the licensed pbs
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