Trend Micro software prevents AcufieldView (*.bat) from running

Hi Acusolve pro,
My company has just implemented Micro Trend Antivirus system recently in whole organization.
However, our CAE department cannot open AcufieldView because Trend Micro prevent running *.bat file.
May I know any ways to run AcufielView directly rather than using BAT file?
Thank you!
I haven't seen this before. The .bat file establishes the environment. The only other option would be to issue the commands in acuFV.bat directly in a command prompt, rather than use the .bat file itself.
Other AcuSolve package programs (AcuSolve Command Prompt, AcuConsole, AcuProbe) are also started from .bat files. Do they fail as well?
Are you starting from the Desktop icons, or through the Start > Altair HyperWorks > AcuFieldView menu?
Which Windows version are you using?