OptiStruct Error # 1000 >> What does it mean and how to solve it?

Altair Employee
edited January 8 in Community Q&A

OptiStruct: Error # 1000 in the input data >> HOW TO SOLVE?


Beginners with HyperMesh and OptiStruct get a very common error during analysis in the .OUT files. Namely ERROR # 1000.

Error # 1000 is related to either missing or incorrect information in your solver deck (FEM file).

The most common cases are related to forgetting to assign a material to a property, or forgetting to assign a property to a component, or even forgetting to assign a thickness value to a PSHELL property.

This document intends to show how to figure out what exactly causes this error, by “translating” what is described by this error message. These problems could be caught in general by running ‘Model Checker’ before submitting your model, so check also for the topic related to ‘Model Checker’ in the Altair Forum.

Below you will find 3 examples of ERROR # 1000, all from the Forum.

Missing Property in a CTETRA element


*** ERROR # 1000 in the input data:

Incorrect data in field # 3.

Detected while reading line 4406 from file

C:/Temp/baraja/va a funcionar/solid mit mesh funcionara.fem:

'CTETRA 21985 0 5178 5177 5111 7486'

This line was interpreted as:

4406:CTETRA, 21985, 0, 5178, 5177, 5111, 7486

Expected INT > 0, found INTEGER (0).

Syntax error(s) found in bulk data 'CTETRA' card.


From all this info, you should look for the parts in bold, as they tell you what is missing.

First of all, the message says, ‘Incorrect data in field # 3’. Then it says that there is an error in a CTETRA element, specifically the one with ID 21985. And it was expecting an Integer value > 0, but it found the value ZERO, or blank.

Let’s take a look at the CTETRA card, by selecting any element, using the ‘card edit’ function in HM, or taking a look at the OptiStruct Help.



Card edit for an element in HM Desktop


Card edit for an element in HWx


After selecting a specific element, you get this:



So, by taking a look at the CTETRA card, it is shown that the 3rd field of this card points to the PID, or Property ID. So this value should be an integer and point to a valid PSOLID Property, as it is a Solid Element. As it has value ZERO or BLANK, the solver errors out.

For correcting this, the user must add a correct Property to the element/component that misses the property.

Another example:


*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
 Incorrect data in field # 4.


 A fatal error has been detected during input processing:

  *** See next message about line 3043 from file:
   'PSHEAR         1       1'

  *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
  Incorrect data in field # 4.


Again, the error message points to incorrect data, and it says the Field #4 of a property PSHEAR is incorrect.

Taking a look again at the PSHEAR card, the user will notice that the 4th field in the PSHEAR card is the ‘T’ value, meaning the Thickness of the property.

So by adding a consistent value (>0) should fix the issue.


The last example also states incorrect data in field #4,


*** See next message about line 55 from file:
  (this is continuation line 2 of DSHAPE,1 bulk data)
  '+       GRID    ID      0'
 *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
 Incorrect data in field # 4.


In this case, let’s take a look again at the documentation for OptiStruct, and find the DSHAPE card.

In this case the message states ‘continuation line 2’ of the DSHAPE card.

So this is related to the 3rd line of the DSHAPE card, and 4th field, which is the GSETID/GID1.

This should be an ID number, so an integer value was expected. Probably the user has not selected properly the Grids to be optimized by the Free-Shape method. So, in order to correct it, the user should go back to the free-shape panel and update his selection.



As a conclusion, the Error # 1000 message is very general, but it tells you exactly what is wrong in your model, and with a little knowledge of how the solver works you can easily identify where the issue is.

Having this tip in mind, it would be easier to build your model successfully.




  • IRA_EM_21281
    IRA_EM_21281 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2020

    Thanks for this.

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022

    The newer versions of OptiStruct added the explicit mention of what field is wrong. In the example below, it points to the PID (Property ID) which is zero, thus missing.


      The first message is repeated below:

      *** See next message about line 2950 from file:
       "CTRIA3      2353       0    1059    1060    1028-89.7453"

      *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
      Incorrect data in field # 3. Field 'PID' of CTRIA3 bulk data.

  • Rogerio Nakano_21179
    Rogerio Nakano_21179 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2022

    Adriano, This is a great reference.

    Thanks for sharing.


    Worth also to mention the section in the documentation 

    User Guide> Error Message Database 



    Where user can find many other references for Error id's reported by OptiStruct.


    I also found this option

    User Guide > Run OptiStruct > Expanded Error Message File

    Where user can have more information on the Error Id  into the *.msg file.



    Thanks again


  • João Guimarães_21911
    João Guimarães_21911 New Altair Community Member
    edited January 8

    Hi! I´m still having this problem still:

    "CTRIA3         8       0      21      27      28"
     *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
     Incorrect data in field # 3. Field 'PID' of CTRIA3 bulk data.

    I´m still not able to fix this... cant find the place where this could be founded... 

    Tried to fix in different ways, but still the same.

    Would appreciate some help! 


    Thanks for your time! 

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 8

    Hi! I´m still having this problem still:

    "CTRIA3         8       0      21      27      28"
     *** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
     Incorrect data in field # 3. Field 'PID' of CTRIA3 bulk data.

    I´m still not able to fix this... cant find the place where this could be founded... 

    Tried to fix in different ways, but still the same.

    Would appreciate some help! 


    Thanks for your time! 

    this indicates you're missing the property PSHELL assigned to the element CTRIA, with Id #8.

    Common causes:

    - your property is not being exported correctly (sometimes the check 'Defined' is not enabled, thus the property is not exported)

    - your model has mixed element types (shell and solid) in the same component, thus the shell is using a PSOLID property, which is not correct.

    If possible, run the model checker (Ctrl+F, model checker) and try to find for some modeling error.

    Maybe also sharing the .fem file might be helpful.