Total Radiated power
Altair Community Member
You can get the radiated power by requesting a 3D far field.
Then it will be given as an option to plot on a graph under the far field results in POSTFEKO:
Or you can read it from the ASCII *.out file:
Integration of the normal component of the Poynting vector in the angular
grid DTHETA = 5.00 deg. and DPHI = 5.00 deg. (2701 sample points)
angular range THETA angular range PHI radiated power
-2.50 .. 182.50 deg. -2.50 .. 362.50 deg. 3.51049E-03 Watt
0.00 .. 180.00 deg. 0.00 .. 360.00 deg. 3.46344E-03 Watt
By the way, if you want to have a set radiated power, e.g. 1 Watt, you can set this in CADFEKO under Power settings, e.g