Non-Linear Static Analysis

Habib Altair Community Member
edited January 2023 in Community Q&A


I am an Automotive Engineering student at Uludağ University, I am writing from Turkey. I am working on a project and I think I need your help. I am trying to do non-linear static analysis of a part used in automotive in HyperMesh, but it gives errors in some parts, I would be very happy if you could help me. 



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2023

    Hi Habib,


    welcome to the Altair Community.

    I assume you're running OptiStruct, right?

    If that's the case, OptiStruct solver writes some output files, such as .out files.

    You can share these in here, and tell us a little better what kind of model are you running (contacts, material, etc)

  • Habib
    Habib Altair Community Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello.  Yes I am using OptiStruct, I am sharing the .out file with you. Let me also share the HyperMesh file  The error I noticed: 3D mesh quality fails on bolts, pins and bushings. There is a 100% error rate for LENGTH.  Error given by OptiStruct: *** ERROR # 4965 ***  Maximum number of time increment cutbacks reached,  analysis aborted.   I am also adding analysis information.  Thanks for your help.
  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2023
    Habib said:

    Hello.  Yes I am using OptiStruct, I am sharing the .out file with you. Let me also share the HyperMesh file  The error I noticed: 3D mesh quality fails on bolts, pins and bushings. There is a 100% error rate for LENGTH.  Error given by OptiStruct: *** ERROR # 4965 ***  Maximum number of time increment cutbacks reached,  analysis aborted.   I am also adding analysis information.  Thanks for your help.

    Usually this is related to contact issues or parts not properly connected.

    Your .out file shows us that there are large Average Displacements, so a part of your model is probably flying away.

    Try running your model with the control card PARAM,EXPERTNL,CNTSTB to add some numerical stabilization to your contacts.

    Additionally, try reducing a little bit the initial increment, by settting a small DT value inside your NLPARM card (i.e. 0.01).

    There are a few tips in this post as well:
