Enquiry Regarding Altair Hyperworks CFD Software
Previously I have used Eigenmode Manager in Altair AcuConsole to import my .op2 file that I have generated using Altair Hyperworks Optistruct as diagram below and get the .inp file.
However, since Altair AcuConsole no longer can be used, and is replaced with Altair HyperWorks CFD, I am having trouble finding the 'Eigenmode Manager' to import the .op2 file I have generated into the HyperWorks CFD.
Appreciate it if you can help.
Best Answer
HyperWorks CFD does not currently support the setup for P-FSI simulations (with modal structural results). SimLab does support that setup. The tutorial ACU-T: 5400 covers this, but for the structural model created/solved within the same database. If you want to import and use the solution (.op2), try File > Import > Results - and import the .op2 file. Then as in the tutorial, then in the defined Flow Solution try right-click Boundary Conditions > Include Modal Displacement > Structural
HyperWorks CFD does not currently support the setup for P-FSI simulations (with modal structural results). SimLab does support that setup. The tutorial ACU-T: 5400 covers this, but for the structural model created/solved within the same database. If you want to import and use the solution (.op2), try File > Import > Results - and import the .op2 file. Then as in the tutorial, then in the defined Flow Solution try right-click Boundary Conditions > Include Modal Displacement > Structural