How can I import in HyperWorksCFD 2022.1 different .hm files together?
Dear Altair,
I am studying a car model with different part inside. I worked, validated and saved the different part in .hm file. Now, I would like to combine all the .hm file together but I cannot import the different files at the same moment.
Then, I wanna ask you if is it possible to import more than one file .hm in the same hyperworksCFD model and, in case the answer will be yes, how can I import more than one file .hm at the same time in HyperWorks CFD.
Thank you for the attention.
Best Regards
HyperWorks CFD works by importing CAD and the workflow is specific for CFD.
So bringing .hm files from even HyperMesh or HyperWorks is not recommended, as it breaks the workflow.
One idea is that you could, combine these meshes in HyperWorks or HyperMesh. Then it would be possible to import that surface mesh in HyperWorks CFD.