A segmentation error

K. Yamamoto
K. Yamamoto Altair Community Member
edited August 2024 in Community Q&A

When I try to open an AcuTrace result file (a case file output by ensight conversion) in "Post" mode of HyperWorks CFD , I get a segmentation error message like the one in the attached file.
Could you please tell me the cause of this error and how to solve it?


Japanese) HyperWorks CFDのPostモードでAcuTraceの結果ファイル(ensight変換して出力されたcase File)を読み込もうとすると、添付ファイルのようなSegmentation errorが出てしまいます。このエラーの要因と解決策についてご教授頂けますでしょうか。


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2024

    Did you use

    acuTransTrace -to ensight  (plus whatever other options)

    to get that Ensight format file?

    Which version of HyperWorks CFD - or HyperMesh CFD are you using?  And which version of acuSolve/acuTrace/acuTransTrace?

  • K. Yamamoto
    K. Yamamoto Altair Community Member
    edited August 2024

    Thank you for your reply.

    The version of HyperWorks CFD is 2022.3. (I'm not using HyperMesh CFD).

    I use HyperWorks CFD on a local PC for modeling, and conduct a solver calculation on the university's supercomputer. When the analysis begins, a job script containing the execution commands is submitted to the supercomputer.

    This is the analysis process and execution commands.

    (1) Modeling of acusolve using HyperWorks CFD on local PC

    (2) Run AcuSolve on supercomputer

    [command]:acuRun -pb ${INPUT} -pbs -np ${NP} -nt ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}

    (3) Modeling of acutrace using HyperWorks CFD on local PC

    (4) Run AcuTrace on supercomputer

    [command]:acuRunTrace -pb ${INPUT} -pbs -np ${NP} -nt ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}

    (5) Run AcuTransTrace on supercomputer to get Enisght format file

    [command]:acuTransTrace -pb ${INPUT} -to ensight -ensopt time_cut

    (6) View the result of acutrace (*.case file) using HyperWorks CFD on local PC.


    After the process (5), I could *.case file and *.mres file, but a segmentation error was displayed on the process (6).

    If any information is missing to solve this problem, please let me know.

    Best regards.

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2024

    Thank you for your reply.

    The version of HyperWorks CFD is 2022.3. (I'm not using HyperMesh CFD).

    I use HyperWorks CFD on a local PC for modeling, and conduct a solver calculation on the university's supercomputer. When the analysis begins, a job script containing the execution commands is submitted to the supercomputer.

    This is the analysis process and execution commands.

    (1) Modeling of acusolve using HyperWorks CFD on local PC

    (2) Run AcuSolve on supercomputer

    [command]:acuRun -pb ${INPUT} -pbs -np ${NP} -nt ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}

    (3) Modeling of acutrace using HyperWorks CFD on local PC

    (4) Run AcuTrace on supercomputer

    [command]:acuRunTrace -pb ${INPUT} -pbs -np ${NP} -nt ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}

    (5) Run AcuTransTrace on supercomputer to get Enisght format file

    [command]:acuTransTrace -pb ${INPUT} -to ensight -ensopt time_cut

    (6) View the result of acutrace (*.case file) using HyperWorks CFD on local PC.


    After the process (5), I could *.case file and *.mres file, but a segmentation error was displayed on the process (6).

    If any information is missing to solve this problem, please let me know.

    Best regards.

    You should also copy/move the ENSIGHT.DIR to the local PC - along with whatever other new files are created from the acuTransTrace command.