Units in Optistruct

I am a new user of Hyerworks. I am using Optistruct for sketching but all the entities i create are dimenionless. I have explored here and there but ahvent foun an answer on how to set or change units. Whenever i dimension something.. its just value with no units whatsoever. I need help in fixing this issue since i have to submit a model by next week.
Optistruct is 'agnostic' when it comes to units, it doesn't matter what you use, so long as the units are consistent:
See Units Systems in Optistruct Help and Consistent Units Systems (Mass Length time part of table from 2nd link reproduced here)
E.g. If you know your dimensions to be mm, then normally mass should be in tonnes, and time in s, derived units would be Tonnes/mm^3 for Density, Newtons for force, MPa(N/mm^2) for Pressure/Stress etc