How would I model this objective function in OptiStruct

Shalmi Gurunathan
Shalmi Gurunathan Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi, I am currently working on the design of a morphing wing and its topology Optimization. The aim of the design is to basically “morph” or change the geometry of the wing from one airfoil to another. For that, I have employed topology Optimization with the objective function being to reduce the distance between the coordinates of the target and initial airfoil, i.e., over iterations, the initial airfoil should deform and displace and its coordinates should come closer and closer to the final airfoil’s coordinates. When the coordinates align, we can say it is successfully morphed. However I’m not sure how to model this into optistruct as an objective function. Is there any functionality in optistruct to perform this objective function? I have tried using dequation (DRESP2) by summing the dof1 and dof2 displacements and minimising this distance…but it’s not exactly what we need. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • loistf
    loistf Altair Community Member
    edited May 2024
    Hi Shalmi,

    Check "system identification" in the altair doc. You'll see that optistruct has an approach for that. Also, you can consider minimize the least squares technique. (similar to what you are doing, it seems). that is pretty frequent too.