Transient temperature analysis

svez Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I would like to make a transient analysis with temperature. I mean:

  •  Going for example from 17 to 23 degrees of the temperature of a body in 1 hour. Making steps of 10 minutes for example (total of 6 steps).

I tried to do it with TABLED, TSTEP and creating a temperature LOAD but it doesn't work. It says :


' *** ERROR # 2094 ***
 EXCITEID on TLOAD1 # 17 data references follower force or nonexistent 
 DAREA/static loading with ID # 16.'


Could you help me?


Big thanks in advance


  • PrasannaK
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2020


    Kindly refer to the following post which can be of help:

     Thank you

  • svez
    svez Altair Community Member
    edited February 2020

    Thanks! Now I changed the load step to a transient analysis because I am gonna set up an ambient temperature and with convection and conduction see how the temperature increases in the solid and also how it deforms.


    Nevertheless in a tutorial about 'Transient Thermal Stress Analysis' it says that I have to create a CONVECTION interface and refer it to the Material I just created.



    That material is also created in the tutorial and it is a MAT1 with data for MAT 4




    But when in the convection card image I try to select that material it doesn't appear


    How could I fix it?

