Contact and convergence error

svez Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Good morning,


I'm running a transient analysis of 2 gears (one of them with a preload and the other one with an imposed rotation). When I run it with Optistruct I get 2 problems:

  •  *** ERROR # 4965 ***
     Maximum number of time increment cutbacks reached,
     analysis aborted.
  • The biggest problem comes here, if I analysis the results, the contact status is 0 everytime. The gears rotate but they don't seem to have a good contact. Moreover, I get high normal contact forces at points where there should be any contact (see image attached).


I also attach the .fem to make it quicker and the .out from the previous simulation




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>A.PNG

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