How to perform modal analysis in Hypermesh for ANSYS?

Henry Eriksson_20553
Henry Eriksson_20553 Altair Community Member
edited February 2022 in Community Q&A

I am trying to perform a modal analysis in Hypermesh for the ANSYS solver.

I want to tell ANSYS to use the Analysis Type "MODAL" , and I want to enter the number if eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes to output. I cannot find this anywhere. Where do I find it in Hypermesh? I also want to make sure that I get vonMises stress as an output for all nodes. All I have found up to this point is a tutorial for how to set up modal analysis in hypermesh for Optistruct, which was not applicable for ANSYS (  AND ).

I am using Hypermesh version 2019.1.


I have a geometry with the correct boundary condition, everything has been meshed. I am just looking for how to set up the modal analysis, which is the last step I presume.


Kind Regards




  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022

    1) there are a few tutorials for Ansys interface in the Help documentation of HyperMesh, under tutorials, Solver Interface Tutorials

    2) Ansys is not that open to models created outside of it, so depending on what you're trying to do, you might need to do some rework inside Ansys. If you're working with Ansys Classic, then you can build your whole model in .cdb format. Now, if you're using Ansys Workbench, you will need to import you mesh and it will load your FE model, with lots of limitations.




  • Hakan_20716
    Hakan_20716 Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022

    You can use the analysis setup tool for modal analysis. 

