Radial Displacement of cylinder

Hi I am Simulating a cylinder rotating at high speed around its axis(RFORCE) . The cylinder is defined in cylindrical coordinates.
During post processing I should seee all positive displacements in x direction (radial) But i am getting positive and negative values .
Can any one help me in this .
I want to see photo of results
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I need to get 31 Mpa hoops .
i am getting 31 Mpo hoops in FEA but the colour plot is not uniform.where as if i do that using axi symmetry ytechnique i am getting 31Mpa uniform.
and also while post processing, the results are not ploted with respect to the cylindrical CSYS which i created and assigned as reference and analysis systems.
during post processing i had to select user system in resolvesd in. and select the cylindrical CSYS. then anly is is displaying results in Cylindrical CSYS.
I am expexting it to display results in Analysis CSYS(in my case cylindrical CSYS).But it is not..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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For stress, you just see but not read! Min and max are 31mpa so it is ok!
If you want unifom contour, edit legend or try averaging results
For disp, analysis system is CD field of GRID, i think you did not assign it. Use panel systems>assign
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i assigned it .but it is not displaying in the cylindrical CSYS.
not only for this model for most of the models it is happening.
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You must 'set disp', not 'set reference'
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I set Both Displacement and reference as well.
What refers to analysis coordinate CSYS (displacement or reference)