no2km.F internal error

Hi alll
i am running a nonlinear analysis with frictional contacts .
i am getting an error as shown in the attached pic.
please help me in resolvivg this
Can you please share the .out file of the run?
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Sir I sent it by secure file drop
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sir i updated it and put a run.
again its generating same error.
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Could you try again by unchecking GPSTRESS/Stress: Corner stress /OLOAD defined in Global Output request.
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those are not activated in my model file
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is it a software bug or is there any chance of model issue.(controla cards or contacts ).
I tried with stick and slide contacts also , but the result is same
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Is it possible to share .fem file ?I could give a try on upcoming 2019 version.
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i tried to solve the same problem in linear static solution with freez contact , the result is same
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it solved for linear static solution with freez contact type , but giving all displacements and stresses Zero
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I tried running by changing various nonlinear parameter in 2019 and found by unchecking param post -5, model runs through.
Could you try same for your model and update us.
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Please update us the final outcome.Will report this to the development team.
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sir can you please suggest which type of contact is best suitable for these kind of models
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i am geting the results only by properly constraining the body for which moments are applied .
still the contact results not seems to be crrect.
is there any way i can check whether the contact is working properly.
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as you said the solution is running with parm post -5 deactivated.
when ever there is post -5 in a nonlinear quastatic analysis its genetating no2km.F error .deactivating this allowing the solution to run.
Thanks for the support.