non converged Solution

I have a solution which is not converged . can any one tell me how to get rid of this
please find the .out file.
in the out file there is:
Subcase 1 has NLPARM option while the model is fully linear.
This will cause unnecessary calculations and additional solution time.Try running linear static analysis instead.
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Thanks for the quick reply.
I have contacts in my structure.i have created contact properties and contact surfaces ,but forgot to create contact.Now i created the one ,Its going fine now.
I want to know how to read the convergence graph and the values printed on the .out file for each iteration .
Please help me by sharing any document or link .
and i am unable to see my previous posts in the forum it is saying no previousactivities , please helpme .
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You're welcome.
The convergence plot is explained here:
Regarding previous activities, I noticed the same. Hopefully, this issue will get resolved under current maintenance.
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Thanks for the response