which results to consider averaged or unaveraged

I am doing a nonlinear quasistatic analysis .where twobodies are in contact and rotate around a center.
I modeled the contact and proper boundary conditions are applied ,rforce is applied.
now thw point is i am getting high stresses at the corner .i am confused where to consider these stresses are not (because that is associated witjh a sharp corner with contact aswell)
i cant to convergence study because i need to put a fillet of 0.5 or 1mm radius and i will get lot more elements (in the contact region)which kills my time .
can i neglect one layer of elements during post processing ?
which stresses to be considered (averaged or unaverage) and what can be the allowable variation beytween avg and unavg stresses?
and that is my critical (entire load carrying area)area also.
Please help me in this regard. any helpful material can be shared.
Generally, average stresses are preferred over unaverage stresses. FE Modelling & boundary condition matters in structural analysis. Please refer the attached document & also check the .out file for all information and warnings.