Non-interactive command line interface

Danilo Moretti_20542
Danilo Moretti_20542 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2023 in Community Q&A


I am trying to run a job on a Linux Virtual Machine from command line.

Once the job is submitted, the command line interface stays "busy" because it is printing what seems to be a part of the .out file.
If I close the command line interface, the job is killed.

How can I submit the job from the command line in a "non-interactive" way? I want to be able to exit the command line or turn off the laptop without killing the job on the remote virtual machine (on a cloud service).

I am NOT using the option "-out" and I also tried "DSCREEN,AUTO,OFF" in the input file, but nothing changed.

Thank you


  • etembras
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2023

    Is nohup what you need?

  • Fadi Chamoun_21158
    Fadi Chamoun_21158 Altair Community Member
    edited November 2023

    Hello, I have the same issue, i tried "nohup" with "&" but the job still ends up receiving SIGHUP.

    Also tried running it as usual then pausing it with Ctrl+Z then putting it in the background with "bg" then disowning it with "disown -h". And it still ends up stopping (eventhough with this method it just stops without printing SIGHUP in the out file).


    Any ideas ?