Export to EsaComp (from HyperWorks)
I am having troubles while creating .CSV file in Hyperworks. I followed the link: https://www.altair.com/resource/10567
After setting the file location I obtain a message given below. Can anybody help me please ?
Please make sure to use the version mentioned in the document. Refer attached video.
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I am using HyperWorks 2017.2 so I would like to ask if it is only way to use HyperWorks v.14 for this extraction ? Thank you.
I found it is also possible to create .csv file using HyperWorks 2017.2. But not works for me.
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Anybody can help me, please ?
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Please find below reply from ESACop Expert:
1. A user needs at least HyperWorks 14.130 (with a patch) and ESAComp 4.6. Everything newer works as well and out of the box. So assuming he uses HyperWorks 2017.2 and ESAComp 4.7, he should be set.
2. Besides the videos he found, ESAComp-HyperWorks post-processing interface workflow.pdf (which he can find in his ESAComp installation/Document folder) explains the whole post processing procedure in detail, and it may hint also, to what is the cause of his .csv file not working.
3. His first message indicates, that he was not having a HyperMesh and HyperView window open in the same view. He needs both to make the export work. The model data (MAT8 cards and PCOMP or PCOMPG properties) comes from HyperMesh and the result data (OP2 or H3D including element forces and moment - ! this is important !) comes from HyperView and is combined into the .csv file using matrix browser in the background. If data is missing or corrupt, export to .csv might fail or import/post-processing in ESAComp might fail. Also he has to make sure he sets FE unit system correctly when importing in ESAComp, as ESAComp is unit aware (in contrast to HyperMesh).
4. If the post processing crashes, it is valuable to disable the automatic post-processing in the dialog
Import and afterwards check if all materials, layups and elements were imported correctly before attempting the post processing.I hope above helps, but for more detailed help, one would need a more detailed description of where/how things fail and possible files involved,
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Thank you very much ! This works !