Is it possible to reference parameters in the engine file when they are defined in the starter file?

Mike Emerson_21641
Mike Emerson_21641 New Altair Community Member
edited 2023 09 in Community Q&A

I have a few parameters defined in my starter file but, when I reference them in the engine file, the simulation crashes. How do you reference parameters in the engine file?

For example, the end time is a nice thing to have parameterized in both files. 





  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 09

    Hi, no, /PARAMETER are available for use only in the Starter

    Parameterization is generally of far more utility in the starter since it may be used to shortcut or calculate values in an input of potentially millions of lines, and include files...

    Since Engine files are (usually) short, the benefit of parameters would be limited I guess, though I see your point about how it would be useful to e.g. link a starter and engine value sometimes

    I'll raise a ticket to look at it: edit: actually, one already existed, it was looked into extensively a few years ago, but not pursued further in the end. I've resurrected it for a review.

  • Mike Emerson_21641
    Mike Emerson_21641 New Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 09

    Hi, no, /PARAMETER are available for use only in the Starter

    Parameterization is generally of far more utility in the starter since it may be used to shortcut or calculate values in an input of potentially millions of lines, and include files...

    Since Engine files are (usually) short, the benefit of parameters would be limited I guess, though I see your point about how it would be useful to e.g. link a starter and engine value sometimes

    I'll raise a ticket to look at it: edit: actually, one already existed, it was looked into extensively a few years ago, but not pursued further in the end. I've resurrected it for a review.

    Ahh I see. Thank you Paul for looking into that!