Loss Calculation Fullbridge LLC Converter

I am currently simulating a full bridge LLC converter with PSIM.
Boundary conditions:
300 - 500V input voltage
Nominal input voltage 400V
Output voltage 50V
output power 3,4kW
Frequency 200kHz
for Q I have determined 0,5 and for k a value of 4 as optimum.
Now I would simulate the whole thing with the losses and then determine the efficiency of the converter.
With the help of the page: https://powersimtech.com/resources/application-notes/power-loss-and-efficiency-calculation-of-resonant-llc-converter/
a loss determination with a LLC converter was already explained. First a full bridge LLC converter was simulated and then the losses were determined in another model. However, as can be seen in Figure 8, this is a half bridge and not a full bridge. Is this contribution therefore wrong?
Are there any prefabricated models with a full bridge in which the losses were also determined?
Hi, Philip,
The article is to illustrate the procedure. The example in the article is for a half-bridge.
The same procedure can be applied to all the different templates in the Power Supply Design Suite.
You may use the template in "Power Supply Design Suite >> Full-Bridge Resonant LLC", and follow the same steps as the article in the link.
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Hi Philip,
To add to Rhonda's comments. the thermal models are general you will need to select a device from the database. but you will need to rebuild with discrete elements and connect it up.