Clutter database handling questions

I have some questions regarding the UI and API handling of clutter databases.
If I want to do Rural ray tracing simulation, I need vector databases.
In Wallman under “Convert Topo Database” I can convert a pixel topography database into a vector topography database (.tdv extendison).
The “Convert Clutter Database” option doesn’t have similar “convert to vector” option.
The “Convert Top and Clutter to Vector” option merges the pixel topo and pixel clutter databases into 1 vector database, containing both topo and clutter data.
-A clutter database is always 2 files, right? One .mdb file, and one .mct (clutter table/clutter class definition) file. So the .mdb file contains only the height info per pixel and can not contain the info that is present the .mct file, right? (this is mainly for pixel clutter databases...)
-There is no vector clutter database in itself, I assume? (because the “convert clutter database” in Wallman doesn’t have an option to "convert to vector clutter db").
-If I want to include a clutter database for Rural raytracing, than my only option is to merge the pixel topo and pixel clutter databases into 1 vector database with Wallman? With the merged vector database, do I still have a separate .mct clutter table file, or that info goes into the merged vector DB file?
This merged vector database will have a .tdv extension, same as a vector topo database?
-I could not merge a pixel topo and pixel vector DB into 1 vector db in Wallman, using the “Convert Top and Clutter to Vector” option. The error message (after including the clutter database .mdb and .mct) is : “Databases do not match”. (In ProMan “open database” opens the clutter db without a problem and displays it visually).
How the pixel topo, the pixel clutter, and clutter table files have to match to be convertable to a merged vector DB?
Does the topo and clutter DB has to cover the exact same area?
Does the clutter dB area has to be within the topo db area? (so no extending over it on the sides or covering different areas?
Does the lines/columns/resolution have to match?
-with WinProp_Open() function, WinProp_Scenario structure, you have for maps:
char * VectorDatabase
char * PixelBldDatabase
char * TopographyDatabase
char * ClutterDatabase
char * ClutterTable
int VectorDatabaseSorting
If I converted a pixel topo database into a .tdv vector topo database, do I have to pass the filename of the vector topo db to “WinProp_Scenario::VectorDatabase” or “WinProp_Scenario::TopographyDatabase”?
If I converted a pixel topo database and a pixel clutter database into 1 vector DB in Wallman, containing both topo and clutter info, do I have to pass that to “WinProp_Scenario::VectorDatabase” or “WinProp_Scenario::TopographyDatabase”?
-As for pixel clutter database based Rural simulation (OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints()), in “bool WinProp_ParaMain::ClutterIndexDatabase”, I don’t understand the description.
Is this for when I split the clutter DB into smaller files with an index file in Wallman, and in this case WinProp_ParaMain::ClutterIndexDatabase= true, and WinProp_ParaMain::ClutterName has to contain the index file name?
Sorry for the lengthy enquiry.
Hello Roland,
typically a clutter map includes 2 files, one .mdb file providing the clutter class per pixel (while the topo height per pixel is given in the .tdb file), and one .mct file (morpho clutter table) with the defined properties of each clutter class (clutter height, clearance, etc.).
There is no vector clutter database.
If you want to include a clutter database for rural ray tracing, you can combine the pixel topo and pixel clutter databases into one vector database using WallMan. This topo data vector .tdv file will combine all the 3 files (the defined clutter heights will then be added to the topo heights), however the consideration of the clutter databases at the generation of the .tdv file is optional.
In case you want to combine the pixel topo and pixel clutter databases into one vector database .tdv using WallMan, the topo and clutter databases have to cover exactly the same area, with the same number of lines and columns, and the same resolution.
Using the WinProp_Open() function you need to pass the filename of the topo data vector .tdv file as “WinProp_Scenario.VectorDatabase”, independent if the .tdv file includes topo only or combines topo and clutter data.
For the pixel clutter database based rural simulation, using e.g. OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints(), WinProp_ParaMain.ClutterIndexDatabase shall be set to true in case the clutter data is split into many smaller files with an index file (e.g. when converting in WallMan), and in this case WinProp_ParaMain.ClutterName has to be set to the name of the index file. Same for the pixel topo database in rural simulation, i.e. then both the topo and clutter maps shall be provided as index files.
Best regards,
Reiner1 -
reinerh said:
Hello Roland,
typically a clutter map includes 2 files, one .mdb file providing the clutter class per pixel (while the topo height per pixel is given in the .tdb file), and one .mct file (morpho clutter table) with the defined properties of each clutter class (clutter height, clearance, etc.).
There is no vector clutter database.
If you want to include a clutter database for rural ray tracing, you can combine the pixel topo and pixel clutter databases into one vector database using WallMan. This topo data vector .tdv file will combine all the 3 files (the defined clutter heights will then be added to the topo heights), however the consideration of the clutter databases at the generation of the .tdv file is optional.
In case you want to combine the pixel topo and pixel clutter databases into one vector database .tdv using WallMan, the topo and clutter databases have to cover exactly the same area, with the same number of lines and columns, and the same resolution.
Using the WinProp_Open() function you need to pass the filename of the topo data vector .tdv file as “WinProp_Scenario.VectorDatabase”, independent if the .tdv file includes topo only or combines topo and clutter data.
For the pixel clutter database based rural simulation, using e.g. OutdoorPlugIn_ComputePoints(), WinProp_ParaMain.ClutterIndexDatabase shall be set to true in case the clutter data is split into many smaller files with an index file (e.g. when converting in WallMan), and in this case WinProp_ParaMain.ClutterName has to be set to the name of the index file. Same for the pixel topo database in rural simulation, i.e. then both the topo and clutter maps shall be provided as index files.
Best regards,
ReinerThank you Reiner, your concise and precise answers are very useful.