Create the SPR_BEAM from RBODY

Hello, Is it possible to create the Spr_Beam element from 1D > RBODY (RBE2 or RBE3)? and then, assign only the Prop/Type13(Spr_Beam) into this component instead. For this method, the Tied contact (Type2) is not necessary because, the node group are already defined.
If such kind of approach can not be used, what is the easiest way to define the spr_beam.
Thank you for your answers
By config edit you can edit the element configurations, but it's an extra work and we don't recommend this approach.
If you have to create the spring elements for a number of nodes you can try with connectors option. Select spot option and in type select type 2 (spring) so that spring elements will be created with Type 13 property and you can update the property finally.
You can see these steps in in which Chapter 2 discuss with connections.