Error with EDEM-Fluent coupler ( version 'Qt_5.12' not found)

Megan_21536 Altair Community Member
edited January 2023 in Community Q&A

While using the EDEM-Fluent coupling generated using Script & Model Library - Altair EDEM Coupling for Ansys Fluent - with Combustion for the 2022 EDEM and 21.1 Fluent, I encountered an error shortly after reading the journal file into Fluent: 


I verified that the version specified did not exist in the Fluent 21.1 installation. I could only find the version ‘Qt_5.10’. Hence, I tried to compile a coupler with 2022 EDEM and a newer version of Fluent, 22.1 but was unsuccessful and kept encountering the following error while compiling despite repeating the same steps to compile the coupler as the previous version.


Additionally, while searching through the files of Fluent 22.1, I could not find the version ‘Qt_5.12’ of requested by ‘’, but only version ‘Qt_5.10’.

Is the 2022.1 version of EDEM compatible with Fluent versions 21.1 and/or 22.1?

If they are compatible, where can I find the version ‘Qt_5.12’? Or would it be possible to allow version ‘Qt_5.10’ to be used instead?

Are there any special steps that have to be taken when coupling Fluent 22.1 and EDEM 2022.1?

I have included some details of the system below.

OS: CentOS7

Version of EDEM installed: EDEM 2022.1

Version of Fluent installed: 22.1 and 21.1

Installation Location: Remote HPC server with both EDEM and Fluent installed




