Right-click context menu : could be customized?

QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


In Model browser, we have right-click context menu with several action on current collector.

Can we customize this menu? I would like to customize some action with my scripts.








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  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited October 2020


    I have an example here

    I will give the code later because it is in my pc



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019

    Thanks Tinh!

  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019


    Widget pathname of that menu is 



    But from v14, it doesn't come in a static way (depends on what you click on) so if you add a menu item then it will be cleared before pop up.


    To hook an item just before the menu pops up, thanks to Tk mechanism providing <<MenuSelect>> event. This is a way I used in menuexportdeck script:


     proc ::nexpd::p_Initialize {} { 	set BindScript [bind Menu <<MenuSelect>>] 	if {![string match *::nexpd::p_HookMenu* $BindScript]} { 		bind Menu <<MenuSelect>> {+after idle [list ::nexpd::p_HookMenu %W]} 	} } proc ::nexpd::p_HookMenu {menuName} { 	if {![winfo exists $menuName]} return 	if {[string equal Menu [winfo class $menuName]]} { 		if {[string match .model*.frmTreeArea.frmTree.* $menuName]} { 			set menuParent [winfo parent $menuName] 			while {![string equal TreeCtrl [winfo class $menuParent]]} { 				set menuName $menuParent 				set menuParent [winfo parent $menuName] 				if {![string equal Menu [winfo class $menuName]]} return 			} 			set Hooked 0 			set Count [$menuName index end] 			for {set i 0} {$i<=$Count} {incr i} { 				if {[lsearch -exact {cascade command} [$menuName type $i]]!=-1&&[string equal 'Export Deck' [$menuName entrycget $i -label]]} { 					set Hooked 1 					break 				} 			} 			set Selection [$menuParent selection get] 			if {[llength $Selection]} { 				if {!$Hooked} { 					if {![winfo exists $menuName.exportdeck]} { 						menu $menuName.exportdeck -tearoff 0 -activebackground [$menuName cget -activebackground] \ 							-activeforeground [$menuName cget -activeforeground] \ 							-background [$menuName cget -background] \ 							-foreground [$menuName cget -foreground] 						$menuName.exportdeck add command -label 'Only Selected' -command [list ::nexpd::p_ExportSelection $menuParent $Selection 0] 						$menuName.exportdeck add command -label 'With References' -command [list ::nexpd::p_ExportSelection $menuParent $Selection 7] 						$menuName.exportdeck add command -label 'Save Geometry' -command [list ::nexpd::p_ExportSelection $menuParent $Selection -1] 					} 					$menuName insert 0 cascade -label 'Export Deck' -menu $menuName.exportdeck 				} else { 					if {[string equal disabled [$menuName entrycget 'Export Deck' -label]]} { 						$menuName entryconfigure 'Export Deck' -state normal 					} 				} 			} else { 				if {$Hooked} { 					if {![string equal disabled [$menuName entrycget 'Export Deck' -label]]} { 						$menuName entryconfigure 'Export Deck' -state disabled 					} 				} 			} 		} 	} }




  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited September 2019


  • Pandurang
    Pandurang Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    Hi how can i pop up this gui..

    ls-dyna profile


    Model Tab > Create > Cross Section


    /profile/3195-tinh/?do=hovercard' data-mentionid='3195' href='<___base_url___>/profile/3195-tinh/' rel=''>@tinh

  • Pandurang
    Pandurang Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    Got it guys...


    .model._pw._fbr.content.frmTreeArea.frmTree.__treectrl.popupMenumain.popupMenuCreatechild_menu_cascade_16_child_menu invoke 11

    .model._pw._fbr.content.frmTreeArea.frmTree.__treectrl.popupMenumain.popupMenuCreatechild_menu_cascade_16_child_menu invoke 'Cross Section'




  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    Widget path may be changed. You should dump its binding command to use

  • Pandurang
    Pandurang Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    I didnot get you...

    can u give some example...


    .model._pw._fbr.content.frmTreeArea.frmTree.__treectrl.popupMenumain.popupMenuCreatechild_menu_cascade_16_child_menu invoke 'Cross Section'


    here numerical value 16 changes every time...




  • Pandurang
    Pandurang Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    [winfo children .model._pw._fbr.content.frmTreeArea.frmTree.__treectrl.popupMenumain] invoke 'Cross Section'


    This one is working perfectly...


    Am i right? /profile/3195-tinh/?do=hovercard' data-mentionid='3195' href='<___base_url___>/profile/3195-tinh/' rel=''>@tinh




  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited August 2020

    [winfo children .model._pw._fbr.content.frmTreeArea.frmTree.__treectrl.popupMenumain] invoke 'Cross Section'


    This one is working perfectly...


    Am i right? /profile/3195-tinh/?do=hovercard' data-mentionid='3195' href='<___base_url___>/profile/3195-tinh/' rel=''>@tinh





    If it not working, then bind a script to <<MenuSelect>> to catch the menu widget path as my sample code.


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