Is there a way to change the server name in the path of all Monarchs without opening one by one?

Jean-Yves Levesque
Jean-Yves Levesque Altair Community Member
edited May 2023 in Community Q&A

I have to change the server where my templates are located (more than 2000). Is there a way to change the server name in the path of all Monarchs without opening one by one? Exemple change \\cdopwa-541\ by \\cdopwa-234\




  • Wes_20349
    Wes_20349 New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2023

    Use Monarch Utility; it's installed when you install Monarch.  It lets you do a find and replace in binary Monarch files.

  • Jean-Yves Levesque
    Jean-Yves Levesque Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023

    It didn't convert source file directory to C:\TEMP in Monarch Data Prep Studio


    It should have changed the directory \\Cdopwa-541 to C:\TEMP


  • mabdolrahim_1357
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    It didn't convert source file directory to C:\TEMP in Monarch Data Prep Studio


    It should have changed the directory \\Cdopwa-541 to C:\TEMP


    Hi Jean,

    Monarch utility can change the path for Monarch Classic models and projects, not Monarch Data Prep Studio (DPS) workspace.

    It looks like you are using older version of Monarch DPS.  The current version (2022.1) allows you to select Edit All File Paths and change the server name using the Network.





  • Jean-Yves Levesque
    Jean-Yves Levesque Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023

    Yes, your example is for one "Data Pred Studio" (.dpwx) template file. I have over 2000 template files. Your example is that I need to open one by one and do the replacement it and saved.

    With Version 2022.1


  • mabdolrahim_1357
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    Hi Jean,

    I will open an RFE in JIRA to add an option in Monarch utility to bulk edit workspace.

    If you have access to the Altair Monarch Server, you can upload all workspaces to the Server Library, and then use Bulk edits to find input files path and replace them with a different path, then you can download updated workspaces to your computer.  Make sure you backup the Altair Monarch Server database prior to uploading workspaces.

    Of course this is not an ideal option, but its an option.

