Documentation of the ABAQUS Solver Interface and Lifecycle of the Interface

Dirk Reckwerth
New Altair Community Member
Dear Support Team,
please can you provide a link to the documentation of the ABAQUS Solver Interface.
How long will the current format for ABAQUS-input files be valid?
(Since it was modified it in the last releases, this question is now in focus)
Is there any EOL date planned for the ABAQUS Solver Interface?
Dirk Reckwerth
I'm not aware of the new modifications in Abaqus input, but HW still supports .inp input file, and I assume for a long time it will still be supported, as many users are using it.
In general, HW adds support to the new solver cards as they're released by Abaqus. It might not be imediate, but after some time, usually it comes to HW user interface.