Problem with topology optimization with loading subcases
I am a fairly new user trying to understand topology optimization. I have been trying to optimize an automotive part under different loading conditions. I did not have any problems with tutorial models, but I cannot run a successfull optimization on my model.
I created 3D model in Inventor and imported and IGES. Then I tried to seperate design and nondesign areas by editing solid. I would be glad if anyone can check my model and tell me where my mistakes are.
Thanks in Advance.
why do you think there is a mistake in your model?
Can you describe better what are you trying to accomplish?
Also review always your optimizatio problem formulation, to check if your results make sense compared to what you asked for.
Also, including pictures of your model in the post is helpful, besides describing its function.
Have you run a baseline analysis in your model? Displacements looks ok?
Remember, if your baseline is not ok, then Optimizing from it is not a so good idea.
Looks like something in your model is not right, by checking an 'analysis only' run.
also, running a normal modes (modal) analysis, shows thta your model is not connected correctly.
You should probably review your mesh, as the non-desing component is not connected to the design component.
You solids need to have shared surfaces, or you can go in your model, and use 'Tools>>edges>>select your comps>>equivalence, to make sure your nodes are actually tied together.