How to get save.phx output file after a simulation-run? How to launch Altair compute console?

Yili Xu
Yili Xu New Altair Community Member
edited 2023 12 in Community Q&A

Hi guys,

I'm currently working on a project using Inspire Extrude, but met some problems. Like after running the simulation there is no file which is quite important for my next step. I wonder how I can get this file.

And after searching on Internet I found something about setting the pset value in .hx file and use altair compute console to rerun it. But I can't find anything looks like Acc in my computer. I've tried and followed every tutorials from altair. Is it becourse of the Version 2022? 

Best Answer

  • SungMoonKim
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 12 Answer ✓

    Dear @Yili Xu 


    Thank you for your interest in Inspire Extrude.
    I'm sorry for the late response.

    Then, I will answer your inquiry.

    To leave a *.phx file, you must disable the functionality of 'Preserve scratch files' option.
    The reason for the 'Preserve scratch files' option was to reduce the capacity of the result file after metal extrusion analysis.

    Related information is in the training material.
    On page 157, 158 of the 01-Metal-Extrusion-Analysis-v2022.1.pdf, there is information about the analysis result file and 'Preserve scratch files' option.

    Reference Pictures(1/2)
    Reference Pictures(2/2)

    00-Preserve scratch files option.pdf: Detailed information of Preserve scratch files option
    01-Metal-Extrusion-Analysis-v2022.1.pdf: Training tutorial 1/2(please refer to the page 157~158
    02-Tool-Deflection-Quenching-v2022.1.pdf: Training tutorial 2/2

    Attachment dounload URL

    I hope this answer is helpful to your project.


    Thanks and Best Regards,
    Sung-Moon Kim


  • SungMoonKim
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 12 Answer ✓

    Dear @Yili Xu 


    Thank you for your interest in Inspire Extrude.
    I'm sorry for the late response.

    Then, I will answer your inquiry.

    To leave a *.phx file, you must disable the functionality of 'Preserve scratch files' option.
    The reason for the 'Preserve scratch files' option was to reduce the capacity of the result file after metal extrusion analysis.

    Related information is in the training material.
    On page 157, 158 of the 01-Metal-Extrusion-Analysis-v2022.1.pdf, there is information about the analysis result file and 'Preserve scratch files' option.

    Reference Pictures(1/2)
    Reference Pictures(2/2)

    00-Preserve scratch files option.pdf: Detailed information of Preserve scratch files option
    01-Metal-Extrusion-Analysis-v2022.1.pdf: Training tutorial 1/2(please refer to the page 157~158
    02-Tool-Deflection-Quenching-v2022.1.pdf: Training tutorial 2/2

    Attachment dounload URL

    I hope this answer is helpful to your project.


    Thanks and Best Regards,
    Sung-Moon Kim

  • SungMoonKim
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 12

    How to launch Altair compute console?

    1. Install the HyperWork solver(Mechanical Solvers 2022.2)
        Download from Altair One

    2. Extrude model creation through Inspire Extrude(or HyperXtrude)

    3. Execute the Compute Console
        And select *.hx(If *.hx is selected, *.grf is used for analysis)
        And Click Runimage
    4. Result check through HyperView