Measure the porosity size

Dung the most handsome man
Dung the most handsome man Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I did a tutorial in Inspire cast, the porosity result has shown the areas that the ratio of voids to solid areas is greater or equal than to the specified value. And i don't know how to measure the size of the porosity of each value. So, how can i measure the size?


  • Pau_20794
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2019



    'Porosity' result shows the macro porosity as a percentage

    'Total shrinkage volume' shows the macro porosity as a volumetric value.

    'Micro Porosity' shows micro porosity as a percentage

    'Niyama' shows micro porosity as ((C*s)**0.5/mm)


  • Dung the most handsome man
    Dung the most handsome man Altair Community Member
    edited February 2019

    Thanks for your answer.

  • Junta_20361
    Junta_20361 New Altair Community Member
    edited June 2019



    'Porosity' result shows the macro porosity as a percentage

    'Total shrinkage volume' shows the macro porosity as a volumetric value.

    'Micro Porosity' shows micro porosity as a percentage

    'Niyama' shows micro porosity as ((C*s)**0.5/mm)


    Hello guys,


    I have a question: the porosity result is in percentage: the ratio of voids to solid areas.
    So what is the Area in calculation? Is it the tetra element volume?
