Skateboard Tutorial

I'm new to Hyperworks and would like to learn via tutorials, especially Optistuct and Hypermesh for ply and composite analysis and optimisation. I've found a .pdf file and heard about a skateboard tutorial but I can't find the tutorial files anywhere. I'm using Hyperworks 14 (non student edition, I believe).
I would be happy if someone could help me with this.
Hi Pascal,
We are updating the tutorial to the latest version.
We will upload the same soon.
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Thanks a lot guys!
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I was trying the skateboard tutorial and it went well till the free size optimization. I imported the sizing.fem file and there under plies, I could see 54 plies generated. From what I have understood, 4 new plies are generated per ply created after the free size optimization. So ideally 20 new plies should be created. But then why am I getting so many additional plies? Could anyone help me understand this? Also I do not understand the way these plies are numbered. I am attaching the .fem file for your reference.
Thank-you in advance for your help!
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Hi @Madhura
Could you please let me know which version of HW are you using along with updates if there are any?
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Hi Prakash,
Thanks for replying. I am using 2017.2 version of HW. I have downloaded and installed Hotfix 2017.2.1 for HW desktop and Hotfix 2017.2.2 for HW solver.
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Hi Prakash,
Okay. I uninstalled the 2017.2 version and then installed 2017.1 and that is working just fine. It gives the right number of plies after free size optimization. Kindly let me know the reason why the newer version fails to do so.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi Madhura,
There is a bug in the latest and this will be solved in 2017.2.3 or later.
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Hi Prakash,
Okay. Thanks for letting me know.
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Hi all,
This is not a bug, but the way the output should be is changed.
To get the older format of output, please add (DEBUG,FS-SPLIT,0) to your solver decks.
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You can do HyperOutdoor skateboarding anywhere in the park of your city, when I got my first longboard of HyperOutdoor brand just can not tell you in words how amazing it was to ride on it in an open park also I did more stunts with it. HyperOutdoor makes amazing stuff