No VM results in crash analysis
I have been trying to simulate crash between two cars using RADIOSS. The solver seems to be working perfectly and doesn't show any errors/ warnings. But when I load the results in HyperView the Von-Mises stress tends to be Zero (0). I'm getting the results for Displacement and Hourglass just not VM. I'm not able to troubleshoot the error. can you please advise?
I can share the files with you via some secure dropbox or something like that.
Thank You.
Hi Charles,
in the model you shared the interface between cars is set to type1 Fluid/Structure Interaction (ALE/Lagrange Interface).
So I defined type 7 general purpose interface instead and redifined self contact only on segments that actually experience contact for computational efficiency.
Output requests should be set up- the most convenient way is by Utility>engine file assistant
I also applied Advanced Mass Scaling to speed up the computation.
Results as well as model files are shared bellow:
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Hi Charles,
most of the cards were generated from the Engine file assistant (Utility>engine file assistant).
The tool generates typical output requests, such as stress, strain, velocity, etc. by checking generate default output requests.
ANIM keywords generate data for element, vector and nodal animation output requests. Please check the radioss help for more information on output requests.
ENG_RUN defines simulation duration. ANIM_DT defines the frequency of writing the animation files (A-files). ENG_TFILE defines the frequency of writing the time history file (T-file).
ENG_DT_NODA is the mass scaling which I replaced with Advanced Mass Scaling (ENG_DT_AMS & AMS keywords).