Simulation of corrugated fiber board CFB box

I am doing analysis for Corrugated fiber board box i.e CFB box. Its Structure is as per Pic1. So I took mid surface of it, and shell meshed it.( Refer Pic2). In same case, I simply offset both the liner, and then meshed it. ( Refer Pic3) Now, which one is correct and give better result without any issue?
1. In 1st case is there any issue regarding initial penetration? liner and flute have different properties and material.
2. Do I need to give contact interference in any case?
3. In actual scenario, there is adhesive between Liner and flute to stick together.(Pic4). Do i need to use connectors?
4. Suggest any other appropriate technique....
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Since you have intersections in first case you will have to offset the liners and continue with the simulation and this seems fine.
It's better to create a self interface for all the components, but let me know what analysis you are trying to do?.
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Hey Hello @George P Johnson, Thanks for reply.
I am doing Buckling analysis. In packaging industry it is known as Box compression test and another is Edge crush test.