Simulation of Strap or chain around a box

suraj sainadh
suraj sainadh Altair Community Member
edited July 2023 in Community Q&A

I want to model a simulation where a strap or chain moves around a box, in order to understand at what height, angle and acceleration it is suitable for the chain or strap to move around the box without causing any problems!. is it possible with motion solve or other products


  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023

    Hi Suraj

    In general, it is possible to simulate this event, with certain level of fidelity in the model. Depending upon what kind of results you want to analyze and the kind of data that is available, the modeling techniques could vary.

    If you are not particular about the strap-box interaction, but interested in overall dynamics, this is a relatively easier simulation. what you might need to some level of accuracy is how the handle is connected to the transporting system.

    If you wish to factor in how the strap and box interact, that could need some way of modeling the strap, its flexibility and friction properties. Usually strap or a belt are modeled as a series of rigid bodies connected with bushings. You might have to do some testing though on the strap to tune what bushing rates to use to represent them to a certain accuracy.

